How NOT to Burn Out!

For most people, working from home is a brilliant position to be in. However, as with most things in life, it does have its drawbacks. So, if you’ve felt like you haven’t been giving the best you have to offer, you might be approaching burnout; here’s how to overcome it. How NOT to Burn Out! Burnout is a real thing. This is an insightful article on how to avoid burn…

Breathe, it’s a new month

Every new month comes with great opportunities. I hope you will be productive and prosperous this month. It’s the last quarter of the year, usually the quarter where we get to review how the year has been so far. There is still an opportunity to get it right this quarter — review, implement, iterate. I want to share 4 things you can do to have a spicy month 1). Network…

How I am improving my productivity right now

With thousands of apps struggling for your attention every second, it’s really hard to stay focused and get work done. Especially if you work remotely or as a freelancer.  You need to make a conscious effort to avoid distractions to be productive and of course, be happy. Have you ever heard of the theory of not touching your phone first thing in the morning? It’s a great idea. However, it…