Top Companies Using Rust and their career page

Since the release of Rust first version on the 15th of May, 2015, there has been increasing adoption of Rust by major tech companies. This is a curated list of companies leveraging Rust and their career page, so, you can easily find them and apply if you need to. Amazon Amazon is one of the 5 big tech companies in the US and the largest retailer of e-commerce. They use…

Ultimate Guide to Getting a Job as a Fresh Graduate (with real samples)

Landing your first job is hard. You are a fresh graduate getting ready to enter the workforce, you have no professional experience. You’ve probably seen a lot of job ads demanding you have several years of experience even for entry-level positions. You have also heard that a lot of university graduates complain of no job several years after graduation.  Now you are wondering, how are you going to get the…