5 Side Hustles You Can Start From Your Bed Room

5 Side Hustles You Can Start From Your Bed Room

Side hustle is not just a way to earn extra income, it’s one of the best ways to start a business that’ll eventually sustain you, allow you to grow your savings, stay out of debt, and reduce your financial stress or even allow you to start a much larger business.

We’ll discuss some of the best side hustles you can start right now from your bedroom.

Let’s get started…

Become a Freelance writer

If writing is your thing, start a side-hustle as a freelance writer. Working as a freelance writer myself, I can tell you that it’s a lucrative side-hustle you can start and grow into a full-time business.

If you are from an academic writing background, you will need to learn how to write for the web—It’s a different world—people’s reading behavior online is a bit different. 

They are several areas of writing you can focus on as a freelance writer such as:

  • Ghostwriting
  • Blog Writing
  • Content Marketing Related Writing 
  • Technical Writing
  • Grant Writing
  • Email Copywriting
  • Resumes
  • etc

Decide on which one works for you and become an expert in that area of writing. 

Follow writers like Henneke of Enchanting Marketing, Elisa Doucette of Craft Your Content to improve your skills.

As a freelance writer, you fully own your business, you are the boss — you work at your schedule. All you need to get started is a computer and an internet connection.

Your only challenge will be to get clients. But the good thing is if you are good, you will most likely keep working with your existing clients for a long time while you continue scouting for new clients. Just be consistent.

On getting clients…

Here are a few strategies to get consistent clients for your writing business.

i). Guest Blogging

Guest blogging on blogs where your target audience is likely to hang around is a great way to get clients running after you. There is little convincing to be done after potential clients have read your amazing content on another blog. 

Plus you can also share those guest posting articles with your clients as samples — of course, your sample has been vetted by another website — ah, “we trust you can create quality content.” — in the voice of your clients.

ii). Sending cold emails

Sending cold emails is an effective way to get new clients— cold email isn’t dead. If you are writing content marketing articles for small businesses, you can put together the email addresses of the businesses you want to write for. 

You can use hunter.io (free) to get the email address of key decision-makers in the marketing and sales department and reach out to them.

iii). Creating content on LinkedIn

Assuming you write for businesses, LinkedIn is a social media platform for businesses. You might want to create an account and optimize your profile for businesses to find you easily. 

But more importantly, you should do your best to write frequently on the LinkedIn blogging platform. It increases your exposure to your target audience. I got one of my very first writing client on LinkedIn.

iv). Networking

Networking got to be the most under-rated way to get new clients for any business and writing is not an exception. Go to business conferences, visit forums where your potential customers are, and connect with them.

There is no upfront cost to get started as a freelance writer. However, if you want to polish your freelancing skills or just get started and have a few hundred bucks to learn from the best, you should take this course 30 Days or Less to Freelance Writing Success

Some freelancers get paid $200 – $500 per article. So, if you are earning this amount you will be making more than $1,000 a month if you are hardworking. 

2). Run Facebook ads for small businesses

While in college, running ads for small businesses was my number one side hustle to enable me to keep up with my school expenses. My first client was a church that wanted to grow their followership on Facebook. That first client lead to another, and so on.

I made a decent amount of money running ads for clients and helping them get more customers, increase awareness, and reconnect with their customers.

Running Facebook ads for clients is digital marketing done on Facebook.

What do you need to get started?

  • A Facebook account and a Facebook page.
  • Your skill (continue reading to see how to acquire the skill for free)
  • A website to showcase case studies (optional)

Like every other business, getting businesses to run ads for and reducing client churn rate is key.

How do you get clients?

i). Position Yourself as A Social Media Marketer

Create a Facebook page and ask your friends to support you, make a deliberate plan to increase your following. Show that you are capable of doing this. I grew a Facebook Page from Zero to 15k and sold it. 

That page was a testimonial that I can do the work.

ii). Share high-quality content on social media and guest blogs

Share content about social media marketing on different platforms where small business owners hang around.

ii). Shamelessly advertise your business with Facebook Ads

Use your skillset as a Facebook Ads expert to generate more customers. Advertise to businesses to help them grow their business and improve their revenue.

But are you a Facebook Ads expert already?

If your answer is no then, the team at Facebook got you. Take the Facebook Ads courses from the team at Facebook. 

Facebook has some amazing courses you can take to get started. From the essential guide to Facebook ads to managing eCommerce catalogs with Facebook.

Take the course on the Facebook Learning Page. It’s absolutely free.

3). Dropshipping with Shopify

We are in the eCommerce revolution but did I tell you that eCommerce to you could mean copy and paste and without spending a dime to buy and sell products?

Well, welcome to 2022, dropshipping is not really a new business model but it’s become a lot better with tools like Shopify, Oberlo, and a whole bunch of dropshipping solutions out there.

As a Dropshipper, you will simply set up a store with Shopify. Go to Amazon, Alibaba, Aliexpress, or any market place to look for high performing products, import them into your Shopify store, add your pricing as you desire. 

Make sure your pricing is competitive. 

Advertise with Google Adwords and when customers place an order, you simply go to the online store you got the product from, make the purchase and use the customers information as the buyer address — ship the product to them. 

That’s it. Profit, profit, profit.

There is no limit to how much you can earn from this, you’ll definitely grow and keep improving on your profit.

There are a couple of courses you can take to help you get started with your dropshipping business.

You can get a course on Amazon to start with for $12.

4). Become a proofreader

How do you feel when someone uses the wrong tenses, verbs, adjectives, or some grammatical errors in a book or article you are reading?

If you cringe at these, proofreading might be your thing. You might want to give it a try. Proofreading has become one of the most popular side-hustles with an easy entry requirement.

What exactly is proofreading?

Proofreading is the process of reviewing the final draft of a piece of writing to ensure consistency and accuracy in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting.

What do you need to start a proofreading business right now?

i). Set up a social media page on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. The most important place to be is on LinkedIn and then the rest.

ii). Proofread for your current connections to get testimonials to start with

iii). Set up a website to show off your client’s testimonials and your services

iv). Partner with writers and editors (you can search for editors and writers on Linkedin and reach out to them).

If this side hustle interests you, you should consider taking this free grammar course from EdX to get started.

Complete Tasks on Task Rabbit

Task Rabbit is a mobile market place that connects freelance labor with local demand. So, people who have tasks to complete but are busy can post their tasks, and TaskRabbit will match the task with the people who are skilled in those areas to help complete the task.

Here is an example of tasks that are listed on Task Rabbit:

Tasks can go from $20 to over $100 per hour depending on the task.

The good thing is you are not starting a new career (if you don’t want to), you can pick this up at any time and drop it whenever you desire. One thing is sure here if you complete tasks consistently, you’ll likely make more than a thousand dollars a month.

You can visit the Task Rabbit website to get started.

The amazing thing about most side hustles today is that you don’t need a lot of investments to get started. You don’t need to take expensive courses to get started.

What you need first is the desire to start something, then start taking actions one step at a time, research about the side hustle you want to start but don’t spend too much time trying to figure out what is wrong with the side hustle otherwise, you might get de-motivated. 

It’s a common feeling when looking to start something new—- you’ll likely feel overwhelmed.

Pick one and get started. 

Good luck. 

Buy Me A Coffee

Published by Eze Sunday Eze

Hi, welcome to my blog. I am Software Engineer and Technical Writer. And in this blog, I focus on sharing my views on the tech and tools I use. If you love my content and wish to stay in the loop, then by all means share this page and bookmark this website.

7 comments on “5 Side Hustles You Can Start From Your Bed Room”

    1. I really enjoyed every bit of the post. I want to invest my time on dropshipping and TaskRabbit which is the last one.
      Hope is gonna be possible?

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