mem::take Vs mem::replace

mem::take and mem::replace are both used to manipulate ownership and values, but they work slightly differently. Here’s a simple comparison: mem::take example: mem::replace example: In summary, mem::take replaces the original value with a default value and gives you the original value back, while mem::replace lets you replace the value with a new value and also gives you the original value. The choice between them depends on whether you want to…

Mem::replace in Rust

mem::replace is a Rust standard library function that swaps a value in a variable with a new value while returning the original value. In Rust, when you move data out of a container like Vec or Option, the container can no longer be directly used, as its contents have been moved and it is considered empty or invalidated. Imagine a scenario where you want to take the data out of…

Box Smart Pointer in Rust

Box smart pointer is a pointer in Rust that allows you to allocate memory on the heap, even though the Box pointer itself exists in the stack. Key notes: To create a Box, you can use the Box::new() function. This function takes the value that you want to store on the heap and returns a Box that points to the allocated memory. You can access the data stored in the…

Understanding Dereferencing in Rust

Dereferencing is how we access the value that a reference points to. References are like signposts that guide us to the actual data. Imagine them as arrows pointing to a treasure! 💎 Technically, a pointer stores the address of another variable in memory. So, if we do something like the example below: my_ref will hold the address of x in memory. In that case, x is not equal to my_ref, make…

Choosing Between &str and String in Rust

In Rust, handling text is a common task, and understanding when to use `&str` and when to use `String` is key — it could lead to more efficient code when done right or otherwise when misused. When you have passed the stage of just getting your Rust code to work you want to make it more efficient. And you want to understand how string really works. While Rust has only…

Rust Lifetimes Simplified

This guide is an attempt to simplify Rust Lifetimes, it’s a series and will be divided into several chapters. We’ll start with chapter one today. Chapter 1 Lifetimes and its benefits In Rust programming, lifetimes is a critical yet misunderstood concept. Assuming we are not talking about programming, when we talk about lifetimes what comes to mind? According to Oxford Dictionary, a lifetime is the duration of a person’s life…

Understanding Rust’s memory magic with an analogy

Imagine a town, where Mrs. Ifeoluwa owns a beautiful home that she’s decided to sell. In this town, there is a strict regulatory body (comparable to Rust’s Borrow Checker) that maintains order and ensures the rules are followed. Mrs. Ifeoluwa, as the sole owner of her house, has exclusive rights to it (the principle of Ownership). She goes to the regulatory body and notifies them about her intention to sell…

Use Rust in a Node.js project

Rust is the most loved language right now — sounds like a cliche already 😃, but it’s true. In fact, it has been added to the Linux Kernel and going to be added to the Windows Kernel. Not every language enjoys that kind of privilege and love, you know. One of the benefits of Rust is that it’s fast, if you have implemented something awesome in Rust and you want…

Introducing Rust in simple English

Rust is a statically typed programming language that allows developers to build high-quality and efficient software. Rust takes memory management very seriously. While it allows you to manage your memory, it does so in a way that provides safety guarantees. Rust’s memory management system is based on the concept of ownership and borrowing. The ownership and borrowing system is a unique feature of Rust that brings together a combination of…